Very often (or even very to often) to analyze the competition is based on checking the number of queries on Google for your keywords. Price list of some companies are positioning fixed in advance and just depend on the number, which should be considered very general, and therefore treat it as the sole determinant of competitiveness is a misunderstanding.
To begin with, for some time that Google are noticeable problems with displaying the correct results and the phrase „English” again draws more than 13 million results, and other times only a few hundred thousand. Besides, those 13 million does not mean that so many pages is positioned on that phrase. It only means that many pages is this or similar phrase.
Many times after an initial analysis it appears that the phrase with less than a million queries on Google is much more competitive than the phrase, even with several millions of results. So what information needed to determine how much work and time should be positioned to put in your keywords? Analysis should be from 5 to 10 pages, but depending on their needs may be more.
Among the key factors that will help us to analyze the competition, we distinguish:
* Domain Age – the older the domain the better. Age of domain, you can look at;
* Number and quality of backlinks or inbound links – analyzing backlinks should also be borne in mind anchory that were links (on the occasion of this suggest to us that we have to position keywords). In this case, the value of PR can help us quickly help you determine whether the party is well-Linked, as the PR positioned value depends on the link to the PR parties thereto. Regarding the quality of backlinks, count their source, because it will be harder to break the parties linked with valuable and well than those of linked sites, which are the same Most Linked directories and pretzels;
* Optimization of time – the saturation of the contents of the key words to facilitate rapid construction of the indexing and updating new content.
As you can see, suggesting only the number of results returned by Google is not a good idea.